The German Section serves members from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Applications for membership should be sent to the office of the German Section.
The main event organized by the German Section is the biannually-held "Deutscher Flammentag"
in cooperation with the Deutsche Vereinigung für Verbrennungsforschung (DVV).
At these meetings three prizes are handed out:
- Jürgen-Warnatz-Preis for outstanding young scientists in the field of combustion
- Wilhelm-Jost-Preis for an outstanding colleague working in the field of combustion
- Rudolf-Günther-Preis for the lifework of a scientist in the field of combustion
Upcoming Events
19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC2024)
7-10 May 2024, Kyoto, Japan
3rd International Combustion Institute Summer School on Near-Wall Reactive Flows
10-13 June 2024, Darmstadt, Germany
Workshops on July 20-21, 2024 @ Politecnico di Milano
20-21 July 2024, Milan, Italy
CI's 40th International Symposium, Emphasizing Energy Transition
21-26 July 2024, Milan, Italy
September 2023:
2023 Rudolf Günther Preis
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Weber , Professor of the Technical University Clausthal, has been announced as the 2023 winner of the Rudolf Günther Preis.
Please join us in congratulating Prof. Roman Weber!
2023 Jürgen Warnatz Preis
Dr.Ing. Torsten Zirwes of the University Stuttgart,
has been announced as the 2023 Jürgen-Warnatz Preis
Please join us in congratulating Torsten Zirwes!
2023 Wilhelm-Jost Preis
Jun-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alba Dieguez-Alonso of the University Magdeburg,
has been announced as the 2023 winner of the Wilhelm-Jost Preis.
Please join us in congratulating Prof. Dieguez-Alonso!
February 2023: The following members of the German Section are elected as Fellows of the Combustion Institute:
- Klaus-Peter Geigle, DLR Stuttgart
February 2022: The following members of the German Section are elected as Fellows of the Combustion Institute:
- Marina Braun-Unkhoff, DLR Stuttgart
- Tina Kasper, University Duisburg-Essen
- Andreas Kempf, University Duisburg-Essen
March 2022:
Die DFG hat die folgende neue Schwerpunktprogramme eingerichtet:
- „Ein Beitrag zur Realisierung der Energiewende: Optimierung thermochemischer Energiewandlungsprozesse zur flexiblen Nutzung wasserstoffbasierter erneuerbarer Brennstoffe durch additive Fertigungsverfahren“ (Koordinator: Professor Dr.-Ing. Heinz Pitsch, RWTH Aachen)
- „Carnot-Batterien: Inverser Entwurf vom Markt bis zum Molekül“ (Koordinator: Professor Dr. Burak Atakan, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
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